
[cheynj] noun

to make the course of the future better than what it is now.

Make the World Better

A spark of inspiration is sometimes all it takes to change the world.

At Sparx Publishing Group, it is our mission to create “content to make the world better” in both big and small ways. It's part of everything we do, from the projects we work on to the community initiatives we participate in.


Sparx Publishing Group doesn’t want to just be good marketers. We want to do good as marketers. We strive to be a better Sparx. That's why our team has made the commitment to constantly drive positive change in the world.

We believe that the smallest actions have the power to make the greatest impacts. As content creators, we develop marketing content which we hope will inspire transformative shifts in the thinking and communities of our audiences.

As a company, we work on initiatives with organizations who also share our mission to make the world better.

Make the World Better Magazine

Make The World Better Magazine amplifies good by sharing the stories of world-changing individuals and organizations.

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  • Issue 7

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Impact Typography


  • Canadian Purpose Economy Project: Uniting Purpose Businesses

    • Make The World Better Magazine /

    Canadian Purpose Economy Project is calling social purpose businesses in Canada to unite around a common goal: building an economy that centres the wellbeing of all Canadians. Learn all about their mission and how they’re accelerating Canada’s transition to a purpose economy in this exclusive interview with Mike Rowlands, President & CEO at Junxion Strategy and one of the Founding Champions of the Canadian Purpose Economy Project.

    • Make The World Better Magazine /
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Let Us Help You Make the World Better

Do you have a great idea that you’d love to see come to life? Or a project that you believe can positively impact others?

Feel free to contact us! We’d love to hear from you and help you create content to make the world better!